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The Many Faces of Climate Change

The Many Faces of Climate Change

Climate Change is happening today. We are past the theoretical and philosophical discussions of what a changing global climate means to our planet. Here is some food for thought: we know that historically wars have been fought, and great migrations of people have taken place, due to lack of water and food. When populations are denied, by man or nature, the most basic needs of food, water, shelter and human rights, civil unrest ensues. History gives us a lens to see the dramatic impact of such cataclysmic events. Events that unfold in the present are more insidious.  We are past...

Why Food?

Why Food?

I was asked the other day why First Light Project is building a farm in West Philadelphia. I said; “it is because it serves our mission”. They replied; “Yes, but why food?” When we look at the greater Philadelphia community, we see deep pockets of poverty and inequity. There are families that lack adequate shelter, food, employment, education and healthcare. We are driven now to find sustainable solutions for those who live in our own communities, just as we are driven to help those in need around the world. First Light Project was conceived with a mission to improve community...

A Case for Vertical Farms

A Case for Vertical Farms

Two days before the biggest food holiday of the year the CDC warned North Americans not to eat romaine lettuce. So what did I do yesterday? I threw away three heads of lettuce and headed out into grocery store madness to find a suitable salad substitute. Think of all the Foxy, Dole, and Andy Boy hearts of romaine that went into the trash. Think of all the Fresh Express and Earthbound Farms bags of mixed lettuce that got chucked. I went to the grocery store and employees were frantically pulling any product with compromised content from the shelves. This is happening all too...